Our company policy takes into account the requests and demands of our customers, employees, authorities and other interest groups (e.g. associations, residents)
The company policy is continuously changed as part of a management review by management to be up to date and continuously changed Goals and actions are defined and their performance is verified for implementation.
We have obligated ourselves to the following principles:
- We support oyr customers efficiently and in a goal-oriented manner because we want to be partners and not just supplers.
- We meet requirements which affect the quality of our service at our company. Requirements can result from customer requests, standards, laws and ordinances.
- We continuously improve the effectiveness of our work and business processes, especially in terms of quality, environmental and work safety-relevant requirements.
- We ensure the careful handling of resources (energy, water, raw materials, etc.) and reduce or minimise environmental stresses, if possible.
- We comply with legal and other requirements in regard to our employees, our products and the environment.
- We want to gain and promote an open business climate so that we can implement the requests and requirements of our customers and business partners, authorities, other interested groups and our employees and correctly record, review and systematically implement this information.
Wolfhausen, dated 13.09.2012